
Monday, May 29, 2006

I got snipped by a razor

Today, i may say, is one of the worst day of my life! Ok, that's exeggerating. I now hold the worst hair-cut in the entire style history! Ok.... that's exeggerating TOO. So, here's the thing. I planned to get a hair-cut about a week ago. The idea of getting that fuzzy load off my head was a !yes-yes! of the year. Wanted to get rid of the fuss i had every morning making sure my pony-tail is not one sided... too messy or too nerdy... or worried about over doing it with strands of hair left at the side of my face as a frame... etc etc... just to look good. I wanted to snip that off my morning to-do list.

BUT I got snipped off instead... by a razor.... literally! *sighs* I entered the saloon with high hopes for something new and different. Yeah, i got something different alright! Something different that can cause me to be in the center of attention, or maybe a laughing stalk... or a gossip victim... in HIGH SCHOOL! That is like one of the most disasterous thing that can ever happen to ANYONE. Ok, maybe i'm making a big deal out of it, but i can't help it. I have to bear with it for months before it grows back to a nice... or should i say NORMAL length. It looks like a boy-cut... bob... or is it bulb?... wtv... Bottom line is... it's my opinion... And i'm one hell of a critique!

Being childish, i cried about it a few times as i look into the mirror. Yeah, i took it that seriously. I mean, i lost one of my most treasured asset... *ahem* aside from the treasureous boobs and ass and etc... i lost the girly look... i think. People keep telling me it's fine... it's not short... it's FRESH... I'm like! Hello! If i would think it's hideously short... what would ppl my age from my school think? Then again, i may be making a big deal out of it. And i should chill about it right? After all... it is GONE,right? And it will be back soon, right? Yea.... "soon"! And my parents are planning to take me go shopping tomorrow... Plus i have bm tuition.... I might as well turn up with a brown paper bag over my head... I feel like a sober.... Boohoo...

*~*~*~*scibbles and scrams*~*~*~*

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