
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Stark Raving Mad

30 Seconds to Mars - Battle of One

It's been a week of SPM trails, and I'm going bananas!
Everyday is the typical "shit shit shit, I should have started earlier!"
Each paper went on smoothly until SEJARAH...
Seriously, you have no idea how much I despise Sejarah...
I found the objective paper yesterday ridiculously EASY.
Don't get me wrong. Seriously it was...
butMAJORbutbut... I could hardly answer half the paper with confidence.
Whoever set the paper decided to play a shitty joke on us by giving all the direct questions...
I mean, obviously everyone burned their friggin midnight oil to memorize all the ridiculous names and organizations' motives...
It's infuriating!
I spent God knows how many hours memorizing SHIT and I could hardly answer the paper.
Yes I know. The fault's on myself...
But do you see the irony??
I'll bet that the subjective paper on Monday is gonna be tough as HELL...

Alright, enough of Sejarah...
Been ranting about it non stop for dayS

So, this morning I woke up, later than scheduled...
and decided to pick up The Star to "update" myself on all the political mess that's going on.
Yes. There will be a heavy shower upon Petaling Jaya this evening because I have done a miracle!
Anyway... If you haven't picked up the morning newspaper...

Raja Petra (Malaysia Today), Tan (Sin Chew reporter) and Kok (I'm not sure who xD)
were detained by the ISA for allegedly being a threat to security, peace and public order.

Raja Petra detained for raising racial issues against Islam on his blog.
Tan detained for reporting the racial comments made by Datuk Ahmad Ismail.
Kok detained for... I don't understand why. Something about petition against a mosque.

So yeah, basically this whole racial thing is being raised again.
After so many years of "peace and independence", looks like it just won't quit.
And there's a big hoohaa over the fact that the government is restricting the media's freedom of speech.

Another "IN" news, is the MPs visit to Taiwan for an agricultural study...
And apparently some oppositions flew over after them.
It's pretty funny. There's section in today's The Star stating...
MPs visit to Taiwan : 'Agriculture' trip
Opposition's visit to Taiwan : 'Hunting' trip
Something about Anwar's promise on September 16.
And something about the assumption that the MPs are "running" away.

Gah. I don't know nuts about what's going on exactly. Just bits and pieces from the newspaper.
Not gonna make any assumptions and comments on it too....
Beware... ISA has eyes at every corner of the web.

I know what you're thinking exactly.
Why on earth am I suddenly interested in all these political issues.
But why don't you ask yourself : Why are you not?
I mean, we do LIVE in this country whether you like it or not...
and no matter how determined you are to flee overseas the minute you further your studies.
Let's face it. This is our homeland.
And no matter what, we are citizens of this country.

So, really... As a young citizen, I don't think it's ridiculous to be concerned.
Whatever drama the politicians are going through has to stop.
I'm really a "noob" in all these political stuff.
But from my point of view, the issues going on seems ridiculous.
The ego of an MP and his refusal to apologise...
The arrest of media to hush hush...
and the outbreak of people who're dissatisfied and raged...

What's next??
Seriously, someone's gotta put a stop in all of these sillyness.
Till then... I guess all I have to do now is stick my nose into pile of shittyness
and "focus" on my trials...

Sigh... two more agonizing weeks of torture.

*~*~*~*scribbles and scrams*~*~*~*

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