
Friday, January 30, 2009

Cracker Moo Moo

Lady GaGa - Just Dance

As expected, I've gained a couple of pounds... Darn it!

Happy New Year peeps!

Thanks to absent-minded ol' me... I have no self-snapped pictures :(
Left my camera, collecting dust, by my nightstand...
As I proudly told Pa, "YES. The camera is in my bag!!"

I shall either attend a memory exercising class... OR, stock up on post-its.
Sensing that I'm a future Alzheimer patient :/

I didn't realise it was the year of the OX until I received a rush of MOO MOO messages.
MUST GET NEW PHONE! Somehow my very "outdated" phone failed to read most of the picture messages received.
I had to constantly reply, "Thanks. But I can't read your msg. My phone not so canggih lah..."
Embarrassing much =.=

Aside from foood foood foood and occasional booze, CNY this year has been a bore.
Everything seems to have slowed down in Penang.
The streets aren't as noisy as before. Festive lights are almost non-existent.
Note : People in Penang lovelovelove decorating their houses with NEON LIGHTS.
I guess recession suddenly drove them into a energy saving craze.

Speaking of which.... The new R word has landed in Malaysia, like finally!!!
It's about time Malaysians realise that we need to stop splurging on Gucci and Prada, and start saving up.
Note to self : Stop drooling on Burberry :/
Say "Recession", and most of Madamme and Datins will go "Huh? New label ar?"
Some say this time it's serious SHIT.
Some say it's no big deal... It'll pass.
So, now the world is drowning in a shit-hole of 'he says, she says'.

Whatever it is... I'm affected!

It's not easy sitting through multiple conversations of money money MONEY....
Yeah, I know. It's a common topic during Chinese New Year with all the CHOY CHOY CHOY and FATT FATT FATT chantings...
But somehow this year, it's ten folds!
My golf fanatic uncle actually stopped talking about Tiger Woods!!! AMAZING!
Seriously... If it's not about money, it's about Najib or Pak Lah.
And of course OBAMA... "YES WE CAN" :B
But mostly the capital R-ecession...
Year 2009 is gonna be one hell of a ride!

Even though all that money talk was kinda a bore... It's effing hillarious to watch my aunts and uncle chitter-chatter.
I have a very noisy Hokkien family. And most Hokkien expressions are exeggerated.
They somehow have the tendency to breakout into a hyena-like laughter at every single minute.
Not sure why, maybe the booze, but most probably the crazy Kee-genes we possess xD
Gonna miss em. Won't be going back till August. Tolls are effing expensive!
Speaking of which, I think the 10% off from 12am - 6am is effing ridiculous.
Thanks to that "generosity" there'll be a loooong line by the side of the busy highway, a few metres away from the toll booths, from 11.30pm onwards.
WAY TO GO =.=!

I hate the capital R!
My gambling sesssions have been struck out to nil.
Didn't gamble AT ALL this year. Hmph, no easy money. Bleh.
Partly because my cousins are all getting married and breeding like minks...
Kakis sudah lari...
AngPaus are getting lesser and lesser too.
Amount per packet hasn't changed (phew...!), but due to less visiting, less packets :(
Fire crackers have decreased too. There were some boom bam... but compared to last year, it's no match.

Jeez... basically everything has toned down! Everything but my eating habbits xD
Oh well, CNY ain't over yet... More food to come :D
Putting all these aside, family matters most.
That hasn't changed a bit, thankfully.
I just love family gatherings :D Can't wait for the next one to come around.

Till then. Back to college. "YAY!" =.=

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