
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ass Slapping Reality

I've been spending waaay too much time on Facebook today. Zoo World is soooo addictive!

You need to learn how to draw a line. Don't fly back around, and give me the same shit about the past. Leave what we left off and let me go on with my life. Not being in contact with me for months doesn't give you the right to judge what I deserve or don't right now. And don't friggin drag my cousin into this, and use him as an excuse. After years of solid bond, you are yet another person who succeeds in proving to me that the years doesn't matter at all. What truly matters is the heart you set forth in the relationship. Which wasn't there in the first place. I've been so supportive over you all this while, the least you can do now is let me live my life. Or you can just shove those Rossignol skis that you've been bragging about up your friggin arse! Go bury yourself in snow. Play your own games. I'm done.

Time and time again, people just don't fail to disappoint. And no matter how I try to convince myself, by the end of the day, I'm obviously in denial. No doubt, mistakes I made aplenty. But at least I don't hold a grudge like how so many people easily do... Seems like pride and ego can easily overpower everything else that's worth so much more. It's just unfair and it tires the hell outta me, that I always have to be the one to patch things up. It's about time someone else takes up an inch of effort in return. Some people are just ignorant to one's efforts. Doesn't mean you don't hear about, or you don't see it, or you don't even feel it, it's not there. Ironically, doesn't mean what you hear, see or feel is real when one say it isn't. This is mind boggling!

Two strikes! I'm one strike close to changing my entire view on people. Ming is so right about so many things, it scares the hell outta me.

To need is NOT to want. There's a difference. Some people just don't get it!

I wish I live in a naive world
Where eyes are blind to all the pain I see
I wish I live in a mellow world
Where joy is as lucid as it can be
I wish time was more merciful
Obviously there'll be so much I can do
Now I sound just like a fool
To know that all these just can't be true

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