
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Race to the Top

I know... It's been AGES since I last updated. Been extremely busy... That would be a total understatement. Haven't had time to balance my cyber-social life. Been spending most of my time of the day either in college or driving (actually riding in the passenger seat :D) around, hunting for good food. Though it is expected that I would have gained weight from all the binging, but I've only shrunk in width and pocket size :/

Anyhooo... Just decided to let off some stress here. I'm down that spiral of losing control again. It's been chaotic, and I'm the worst candidate to be nominated to cope with this kinda stuff. And it's only AS. Can't imagine how it would be in A2. I would probably see rainbows and ponies down the hallway. Mr Leonard would be a pot-smoking pony :p Or the least of it... I've been wondering why I'm walking down this road with countless bookworms, who seem to be running compared to the pace I'm in... I'm amazed at how they do it. How do they survive not being OUT THERE. I would go bananas no doubt :/ Wish I had their will of focusing on their studies.

It's been almost a month since our course department has been pushing us for UK Uni application. It's CRAAAAAAZY! The hassle that we have to go through is mind boggling. I must have been bloody ignorant to not know about the process of achieving the dream to have English Tea while studying with honourable scholars. The amount of brain work and time allocated into perfecting the uni application is NUTS! Before this I knew nuts about a "personal statement". It has been our daily conversation.

The usual "What's up? Partied?"
is replaced with "What's up (looking down)? Drowning in your PS?"

Seriously... It's like sucking the soul out of someone. Mind you, it ain't easy to write a personal statement, which would be read by "highly educated Englishmen". These people are very particular about their language and they expect you to sweep them off their feet. We're not talking about top universities like OxBridge (they're worse, will touch on that in a minute), even mid-rated Uni's like say... Manchester or Southampton, require an ass-kicking personal statement. And much thanks to our education system, the whole lot of us are obviously not prepared for this...

Remember those days when we dream to study at Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, etc... Picturing ourselves in that funny flat top hat, which I have no clue what's it called :/ And now, at the stage of applying, here comes a huge slap in the face for being silly. Application to OxBridge just closed an hour ago, fyi. And their intake is in September 2010. Hah. Go figure...

I'm gonna stay on the green realistic zone and not even bother to glance at the cross between an ox and a visionless bridge. Okay... I'm being lame. Anyway, I don't think I'm of their material. My application might not even reach their evaluation box. So I'm opting for something that's... well... in the middle. Though I'm looking into LSE. But heck, I guess that level ain't to high to try my luck. Bah. What the heck am I saying. Luck is bullshit. It's all about "flair" in your personal statement. Which reminds me... Looks like Mr.Leo's gonna be my best friend (with personal interests&benefits. coughs.) for the next few weeks. This is what we get for EXPLOITING ENGLISH. Dumb government.

I'm basically ranting about how our education system did not prepare us for this stage. Well, they're not entirely to be blamed. But somehow, they seriously contributed to our lack of language proficiency and the hands-on ability. Although the UK Uni's focuses on academics more. But our jaws are gonna drop 25, 000 feet below us the minute we step into their level of education.

I've got plenty of thoughts that have been accumulated for the past weeks.coughs.months. But I need a shuteye for now. It's 1.40am and I have tonned of things to do tomorrow. Trials are in 3 weeks and I've barely drowned myself in books. Actually, believe it or now. I do not have books. As in text books. Our lecturer feeds us notes with a piece paper, a white board, marker pens and a duster (which I find so cute cause every lecturer carries one around xD). And we're sitting on the receiving end with unlimited supply of foolscap paper and constant face-slapping to prevent those eyelids from reaching its station.

Okay I have to stop using ridiculous analogy. I think today's General Paper test has drove me into an essay writing craze. Brain's going haywire, and all the weird stuff are flooding out. Here I go again. I better stop now. Will go on with my dose of rantings in another day. Probably somewhere in a century or two :)

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