Been having exhausting days. It's never a good idea to study last min... Like no one knows that already -.- But I've been LAZY. Kinda tired of studying. Prolly wasn't the smartest idea to take up a professional course that's 100% focused on examination. I miss having projects and activities. Missing ALSCO particularly. Sometimes I unconsciously ask myself if I've got any event tasks undone, or any musical rehearsals to attend. Then I realise, that's all over. It broke my heart when I found out Kingsley is putting musical on hold. Was really hoping to rejoin the group, miss it soooo dearly. But oh well, I guess this is part of moving on, and exploring new things. Am waiting for my first Leader's meeting. Oh, did I mention, I made the cut? Got invited on the team right after the interview, which has NEVER happened to me. And I have been through a good number of interviews, it's a good feeling. Am really waiting to be out there again. It's been a loooooong while since I've organised something, and I can't wait to get down to it. I just wish my peers are as enthusiastic as I am. Whenever I ask if they would like to join this, this and this, they would be like "Er... No, no and NO." Perhaps I'm a tad bit too enthusiastic. But oh well, that's the fun of it (:
Social life has been slowing down. After the boyfriend returned to India, I realised how exhausted I was. Been working so hard for the past 3 weeks to meet up with him as often as possible, and meet up with the few who were leaving to NZ, Aus & Singapore. I actually missed meeting Nick Liang before he left, which I felt sooooo bad! So, it's been tiring. Both physically & mentally. Physically: trying to find time & plan something which suits both parties; Emotionally: to say goodbye and not meeting again for a long while. Plus, going out with people makes me broke. I'm not the thriftiest person on Earth, to say the least. Let's just say if there's a juicy piece of steak on the menu staring right back at me and it's no more than 50 bucks, I'll nab it. I'm a sucker for luxurious food. I rather spend big bucks on food than anything else. That attitude eats up on me by the middle of the month and I'll realise "oh fuck, I'm running beyond low..." So yeah... You need money to have a great social life, thus it disappears with your money xD
But I managed to find a job. Well, actually my mom found me a job. Nothing confirmed yet, but if it actually works out, I can finally save up to travel. I have Singapore, Krabi & Kota Kinabalu on my list. Already mentally planning out to travel to S'pore with Bel love in July. And hoping hoping DESPERATELY hoping to climb Mount Kinabalu. Yes, I know... That's a lil too ambitious. But I can't help it. I might die tomorrow... And one of my regrets will be not having the chance to climb that friggin mountain. So yes, it HAS TO BE DONE! Krabi has been on the list for ages. Planned with Bryan & Davy a couple of times, but never seem to work. Why? LACK OF CASH THAT'S WHY? No, I don't think asking from parents would be a very good idea... So there you go, my ambitious plans for 2011. Fingers crossed!
I better start studying for tomorrow's paper. The toughest of the lot... Seems like no proper sleep AGAIN tonight!