
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Funny How Ironic...

Leeroy Stagger - Just In Case

Go waaaaay waaaay back... say, about 15 years and you can see that things are destined from the very start...

How ironic that these two individuals looked very much alike as tiny-winy naive little white cloths. They were fated to be inseperable buddies ever since thumb-sucking was a craze and diaper rash was epidemic....

Okay, cut the crap. I wanted to write a whole bombastic paragraph but I suddenly felt lazy and lost the mood. I know... so potong! Anyway, I happen to have some baby pics for school magazine and you can't imagine how hard I laughed when I found how ironically these two are so similar. Well, maybe only to me laaaa... But oh well, they look alike.

Because I said so =p

"Ugh... My big head's stuck!"
Pay back time!!! This is for bullying me and driving me up the friggin wall... nenenebooboo. I shall be childish for this case because all else have failed xD Soooo, in other words. YOU forced me to :D

YEAP! You've gotta guess who there are :D


*~*~*~*scribbles and scrams*~*~*~*

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