
Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I know this might be too lil too soon to say,
but I've been enjoying things a lil more now :)
ever since I changed my perceptive and tried to enjoy little things,
than bitch and complain about insignificant ones.
I'm glad and I really hope it stays this way for now.
Although it might just fade as soon as it came,
I'm enjoying every moment of it now.
Am not gonna be beaten down just because I'm in a hell course :p

On another note : I NEED MONEY.
I'm desperately finding for ways to make money.
Like a job or something, but that's quite impossible with countless hours spent in college.
And not to mention up coming MAJOR exam.
"Parents" will not cut it. Don't wanna deal with the guilt.
Any suggestions?
It has gotta be CLEAN! *coughs*

~strutting off :p

"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on."

~Franklin D. Roosevelt


Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

Anonymous said...

It isn't hard at all to start making money online in the hush-hush world of [URL=]blackhat videos[/URL], You are far from alone if you don't know what blackhat is. Blackhat marketing uses alternative or not-so-known avenues to build an income online.