
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Life Being A Breeze

Corrine Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On

Yes, I know. I'm abandoning my blog again. I can't help it. I have like tonnes of things to do. Today I had to come online to retrieve an approval letter for my PetroSains trip. Nope, it's not done YET. Anyway, came back from a 3 days 2 nights Kembara Camp that was a blast! The activities that they had was a bomb! The seniors are bloody genius. *bows bows* Learned lots of stuffs there. Aside from all the fun, the camp was agonizing. Had bruises everywhere because of the "Steam Roller" and "Obstacle Course". Still having muscle aches and accumulated affect of lack of sleep.

So anyway, this post's gonna be a short one. Just came back from "group study" (I know, har har har) at McD with Nutty and Sarah. Studied Chemistry (Btw, I hate strongly dislike Pn Cheong). We actually benefited from it. Which is a yay yay and a thumbs up for me whom never bothered to have any group studies ever in my life till subjects like Add Maths, Physics, and Chemistry came along. I <3 Biology.

My dad doesn't understand my SHORT message ===> 'no. sry, am at mcd"
"What's SRY and MCD?" he asked, which made me laugh my friggin ass off. In case you didn't get that either, it's SORRY and MCDONALD =)

I'm gonna quote someone before I log off.

"Inertia is an invisible EVIL girl - Bryan Yong Hoe"

Yeah, I know what you're thinking...

*~*~*~*scribbles and scrams*~*~*~*

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