
Friday, December 29, 2006

Does 12 Days of Christmas Exist?

So, it's currenltly the 5th day of Christmas eh? That's if anyone believes in 12 days of Christmas, cause I sure do. The tree is still up and glowing. I didn't really take notice of the tree until last night. It was Thursday, so there isn't much to watch after Amazing Race Asia, Hope&Faith, According To Jim and Two and A Half Men. Yeap, that was all! So, was sitting on the couch, dazed at the tree. Then, I was like "WOW", the tree looks pretty. *slaps my forehead* What on earth am I talking about...

Anyway, I got my results back yesterday. I can't describe how 'sick' I felt the night before yesterday's. Was feeling so sick in my stomach. Almost every five minutes, I felt like throwing up. Didn't even laugh at the silly stunts of Tom&Jerry (don't ask!). I felt a sudden dreadful feeling. It's like I'm gonna be totally disappointed of my results the next day. I couldn't sleep till 3am. The next morning I had no appetite whatsoever to eat, so I just ate two half-boiled egg and felt like throwing up all over again. I even found it hard to breathe when I was about 400 metres away from my school. Results were supposed to be released at 10am. But it was delayed, THANK GOODNESS! It gave me time to calm down and to keep my nerves steady, or I thought so. Ended up, went at 12pm, my nerves started to freeze up! I couldn't feel my steps, seriously! I felt so giddy that I wasn't paying any attention to the people around me until I saw a few familiar faces then I started to calm down. That's when I bumped into my primary school teacher *gulp*, Pn Nurhaizan. She was there as an invigilator for the Form 6's examinations. Immediately after, I began shaking nervously. I felt my face going completely red! By the time I got to the canteen I saw tonnes of students already holding a piece of paper. And quite a number of them were crying. The worse part is, I had to take the results from our class teacher, Pn Grace, whom I dislike. I couldn't remember what really happened when I took my results, but I remember sobbing in my dad's arm right after. It was a relieved cry. Thank the Lord Jesus!!! So, I'm thankful for my results, come what may.

And for those who are not satisfied with their results, I know I can't say anything that can really make you feel better. I just want ya'll to know that I understand completely how you feel and you're definitely going to get through it. You have my support!

And did I mention how effing HOT it is, today??? It's like the sun rays are about to peel my skin of my body. The sun was and still IS so freaking scorching!!! A cold bath doesn't help either. At this matter of time, I'm wishing that I live in Antartica!!!

*~*~*~*scribbles and scrams*~*~*~*

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