
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tainted Morale

Damien Rice - Nine Crimes

Whenever people mention about China...
It's always about their vast advancement in economics and technology...
Or about their overflowing population.
Or about their beautiful culture that captivated us during Beijing Olympics 2008.
And no doubt, most of us Chinese living here, our forefathers were originated from China.
So, to no surprise we constantly look up to China, no?

September, 2008, CNN reorted "more than 52,000 cases of children made sick by melamine -tainted dairy products" in China. The melamine had been added to raw milk that had been diluted with water, in order to falsely increase its protein content when assayed. The children were stricken with kidney problems. White Rabbit Creamy Candy was listed among the many milk-based food products made in China that were contaminated with melamine and was removed from store shelves. The same form of contamination was responsible for the Chinese melamine pet food contaminated scandal in 2007, during which thousands of pet dogs and cats died of renal failure after eating pet food that contained melamine.

Yet time and time again, China always have a trick up their sleeves that would shock us all...
First was their "paper-made" pau to safe production cost on meat.
Then it was their toxic canned food, some were banned in Malaysia...
Most recent was the discrimination against Yang Peiyi (Beijing Olympics)
And now the heartless mass murder of innocent babies!!!
Even China's QC director resigned!
Not sure if it's out of guilt or fear, but apparently it's a pretty serious case over there in China.
People are getting rid of fresh milk by just spilling them all over the place.
There's a non stop traffic at clinics to run a health check on children.
Seriously, this is by far the WORST and China has crossed the line.
Once the lives of innocent children are at stake, it has gone too far!
Seriously, the director of whatever factory that produced these tainted milk should be shot dead.
How many innocent children who has yet to experience what's OUT THERE died after drinking milk, the main necessity at that stage of life...
Seriously, so infuriated.
Go surf through world news, and see pictures of innocent children suffering due to GREED and plain STUPIDITY of men!

And does White Rabbit Creamy Candy sounds familiar to you??

Like wtf right?!
Back in the primary school days, I used to eat this like... well, like "ze best candy in the world!"
For 20 cents each, it was like lollipop that melts nicely in your mouth...
You have no idea how revolted I feel right now.
Today's news reported that in Singapore, a research has discovered that the White Rabbit Creamy Candy has contents of melamine.
Our government has yet to report any discovery of melamine in the products sold here.
Seriously, I'm scarred...

*~*~*~*scribbles and scrams*~*~*~*

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