
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Scalpel and Stiches 2

Avenged Sevenfold - Sidewinder

Program Pendedahan Kerjaya Seorang Doktor (Day 2)
Exposure to Medical Career Program (something like that :p)

And so 2 days down, 3 to go.
Again it was quite a short session.
Was at the hospital from 8.30 am to 10.30 am.
Barely even half a day, so I decided to go to college after that.
Since I promised Mr Kingsley I would try my very best to attend musical rehearsal.
Turns out, I didn't have transport home, so I had to skip that as well.
Lesson learned : never make a promise you think you can't keep :/

Anyway... I shall just lay out what happened at the hospital today.
First we went to the Emergency Department where most sudden cases would go to.
The place was practically empty, and everything was soooo laid back.
There was only ONE patient. He suffered a heart attack, so the nurses were taking his ECG.
Nothing too interesting because I've seen it a thousand times on TV.
Sigh. I know, I'm being so morbid and uninterested xD
I am, it's just that when things don't reach your expectations, it's only natural to feel let down.
So anyway, we met a few young doctors who were halfway through their housemanship.
Sweet and friendly people.
There were 3 female doctors, and we could see that they were enjoying their job, albeit the obvious fact that they were lack of sleep.
So we bombarded them with a few questions.
A few of my group members began asking technical questions, like what are the ECG for, and what do the graphs (ECG) mean...
Which totally placed the doctor at a tight spot because she just went "Huh. How to explain?!" xD
It was practically clear that we need not ask questions like this.
No point for us to know at this stage anyway...
So I started to ask some VITAL questions that I bet have been running through every candidate's head (I think...)
Then it became really interesting... xD

Do you have a social life besides work?
Umm... Social life huh? *ponders ponders* You can have a social life... but you'll be busy working hours of shifts most of the time... It's tough, but of course you can have a social life.

So, do you have time for family and friends. And time to go out and do stuff.
Yeah sure... During the weekends usually. But some hospitals require you to work during the weekends as well. Imagine, working non stop without any off days (JENG JENG JENG). Time to go off? Sure. After work there's lots of time. But you'll be so tired, by the end of the day all you wanna do is laze on the couch, watch tv, then SLEEP *grins* (So darn true...)

How's university life, do you have to study like crazy? (asked by another group member)
Well, YES. Study very very hard. But you know what? Study hard... PLAY HARDER! If you wanna play hard, then you study hard too lorr...

What made you want to be a doctor?
Ugh. I hate that question. Everyone keeps asking that. Interview la. Lecturers la. Friends la. Now you guys. Really... I don't really know :/

Why are you interested in medicine? What made you look into this field?
Who would not be interested in medicine? It's so interesting! Everytime something new comes up, it makes me want to know more... It's never boring.

So your parents must be really proud of you... and you must be really proud of yourself?
Hmm... yeah, they're proud *looking doubtful* And yeah, I'm really proud of myself. Not because of gaining the "doctor" title. But because when I look at myself and think 'hey, I know a lot of stuff that people don't know'. And the best part is when you sleep at night, and think about all the people you've helped, nothing beats that. It's the inner satisfaction of doing something good.

There were a few other questions, but I can't remember them acurately, so yeah.
To sum it all up, they don't regret a single bit for choosing to become a doctor.
Yes, it's hard work and tough life. But it's all worth it.
When you manage to save a life, it's something to be proud of, but in a very humble way.
I was really encouraged after speaking to him, because I was so worried about my social life.
I'm the type of person who would literally die if my social life goes down the gutter...
So, now that I know as long as time is managed, there is time to PARTEH :D

Next we went to the Forensic!
*drumrolls* Blood! Gore! Dead bodies!!!!
Naw... there wasn't ANY dead bodies in the freezer when we got there :(
So, we had a tour around the place. It was pretty huge.
And it had this really really odd smell of formalyde.
Now whenever I smell sanitary detergents or anything that has a tinge of ammonia, I'm reminded of the morgue.
It was pretty freaky because of all the metal tables, like the ones you see on CSI.
According to the officer, everything you see on CSI is the real deal!
In America, the Forensic Departement is placed under the Polis / FBI department.
So it seems like all the forensic investigations are done next door.
Whereas in Malaysia, the Police Department and the Forensic Department are seperated.
All the post mortem investigation are done in the hospital.
The officer then showed us pictures of dead bodies, before they were collected to the hospital.
Most of the bodies were decapitated and distorted!
Some were murdered, many were road accidents and there were a few burn cases.
The pictures were gory and gruesome.
I felt so uneasy deep down in my gut....
Not because of the gore, but because at that moment, it hit me.
Worse than animals, scratch that... We should be placed 10 classes below animals!!

There was this picture of a pregnant woman, sprawled on the ground, distorted.
She was strangled, thrown out the window and rammed over with a truck.
Right next to her thigh, lay a tiny baby with the umbilical cord still connected.
How can anyone, so inhuman, slaughter a pregnant woman and ram her over till her unborn baby actually "flew" out of her body???
To my utter shock, to officer said this was rather common.
Murder cases like these happen ALL THE TIME.
I don't think I can survive a day in Forensics.
My heart can't bear the ugly side of the world.
I rather live in one filled with RAINBOWS and UNICORNS :D

After that we had a short Q&A session.
The first question I popped was :

So... Anything supernatural around here???
Haha... Err... Well, I do come here 3 to 4 am, and nothing really happens. But sometimes I get that weird eerie feeling, but decided to ignore it. In my opinion, I'm not disturbing their peace or anything like that. I'm just trying to do my job. I would be lying if I said I'm not afraid. But all in all, I'm doing my job.
Kadang-kadang rasa tak syok then saya chao la... xD

What are the most common death cases?
Road accidents. There're plenty of road accidents around here. We collect bodies from Sepang area. But thank God we haven't had any this year (WOW).

So what's the worst and most extreme dead body you've encountered?
They're all horrible! Semua pun teruk. Semua pun pernah nampak. But the WORST would be the ones infested with maggots. Those bodies have already started decomposing. And the smell is unbearable. After nine years into this field, I still find the smell really unpleasant.
Busuk sampai boleh lekat baju, tau? Tapi sudah biasalah...

The officers were really friendly and patient to tell us so much about what they do.
Although, we (future doctors xD) won't be doing most of the dirrty job, they still explained what they do.
Doctors usually carry out post mortems. CUT OPEN EM BODIES! xD
The officers are the ones who go to the crime scene to collect the dead bodies back to the hospital.
Tough job! To see dead people all the time... And how gruesomely they're killed :/

After Forensic we went to the Specialist Clinic.
Nothing much here.
We just sat and observe the way the patients consult the doctors.
I'm just gonna skip this part, because there's seriously nothing much to talk about...
And I have to scurry off to study for my Chemistry test tomorrow....
Been slacking, so I've gotta work extra hard for now...
More to come tomorrow... But it wouldn't be interesting =.=
Lardeeedarrr... I have to think positive...


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