
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Taggity Tag

Okay okay I'll do your tag...
You're like asking for compliments =.=

1) The person who tagged you is :

ZhuoLi aka Big Head, a big mean ol' chap!

2) Your relationship with him/her is :
he's the bully and i'm the victim. hmph!

3) Your first impression of him/her is :
LMAO! this question totally brings back memories!
*switches on grandmother story mode*
about 4 years ago mr. big head and i were classmates. totally strangers, and at that time i wasn't very fond of chinese school students (because they were so rowdy, you've gotta admit that!) so anyway, i was the class deco rep. so, i was supposed to collect materials from totally reluctant peeps to display on our info board.
when i saw mr big head's article, it was a lil crappy and inappropriate xD so i gave it back to him. i was so shocked at what he did next...
crumpled the paper, grunted loudly and threw it on the floor in front of me (luckily not AT me!). so much like a female's bitch fit.
my first impression : what a grumpy fella! and those eye brows are really intimidating...

wonder if you remember this incident, big head?

4) The most memorable moments with him/her :
all i can remember is how much he bullied me! oh, and the time he taught me how to set.

5) The most memorable thing he/she has said to you is :
"*evil laughters* you're so short!"

6) If he/she becomes yr lover, you will :
die at a very young age due to high blood pressure, and possibly a cardiac arrest...
kidding laa

7) If he/she became yr lover, what should he/she improve at :
very ironic question... STOP BULLYING ME.

8) If he/she becomes yr enemy, what would you do :
creep into his house and secretly shave off his eyebrows when he's asleep xD

9) If he/she becomes yr enemy, the reason will be :
because i've had enough of physical and mental torture! (on the verge...)

10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is :
shave his eyebrows xD nah... um... hmm, i don't know. what do you want, big head?

11) Your overall impression on him/her :

13) The characteristic you love most about yourself :
my free-spirited enegy and eagerness to take part in anything, including the extremes

14) The characteristic you hate most about yourself :
being an occasional emotional wreck

15) The most ideal person you want too be is :
hmm... very very tough question... honestly i have no friggin idea.

16) For people that care and like you, say something to them :
i love you guys! thanks for lending a shoulder for me to lean on :) xoxo

I'm not gonna tag anyone :) cause I know how annoying it can be sometimes *coughcough*
Wait... Tag you back, ZhuoLi, since you're so eager to do tags!

Jason Mraz's getting ready to perform right now, and I'm stuck here.


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